Airtel Money Escrow enables purchase of float across KCBU Branch network. It offers merchants, and Airtel money agents a safe, secure, and convenient place to purchase and liquidate float for their business and personal needs. The Airtel trust account serves an ecosystem comprising super dealers, territory dealers, financial technology companies, airtel money agents and walk-in customers.

Airtel money users (agents, merchants, subscribers) in need of airtel money float will access the trust account services in three main ways:

How Does It Work

Branch / Over the Counter through our Banking Halls:

Our cashiers will receive your cash and avail float on your mobile money line. You will receive an SMS notification to confirm that float has been allocated to you. The branch touch point will service both KCB account holders and non-account holders.

Funds Transfer:

Suitable for customers of KCB Bank. A holder of an account at KCB Bank will make a request for float purchase by completing the bank’s funds transfer template or by issuing instructions through an indemnified e-mail. The Bank will accordingly allocate float if the customer’s account is regular, active, and sufficiently funded.

Inward RTGS / EFT:

A non-account holder can transfer funds from their bank to purchase float at KCB by quoting the beneficiary account number as 2307064540 / AIRTEL ESCROW and quoting their agent line under purpose of remittance.

What We Need From You*

  • Registered and active airtel money line.
  • Cash or float depending on the airtel money service required.

Who Can Access the Product

  • Any Airtel money users like you and me (individual users).
  • Any agent that services your day-to-day airtel money needs.
  • Franchise Partners who manage a territory of agents on day-to-day basis.
  • Corporate partners such as financial technology companies who have regular need for airtel money float.
  • Super dealers who, like KCB Bank, are supervised financial institutions.

Interested in Corporates MTN/ Airtel Escrow Services or have a question?

I am an existing KCB Bank customer

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