KCB Bank offers domestic custody to all local clients. Geography is not a constraint for us when it comes to providing super custody services. We work with our KCB counterparts in the East African region to offer sub-custodian services for those looking to expand into the East African markets. This enables you to tap into the East African market for regional and local equities and fixed-income instruments.

Our services are designed to incorporate a high level of flexibility and to take into account your unique and changing needs. We take our understanding of your business to heart to provide the perfect solution to fit your business requirements.

KCB Bank seeks to anticipate forthcoming regulatory developments to understand the business impacts and opportunities for all our clients, and proactively develop appropriate offers.

Our core services include

  • Transaction processing management & settlements.
  • Safekeeping services.
  • Corporate action processing and notification.
  • Financial statement & reporting services.
  • Sub-custodian services.
  • Asset servicing for income collection.
  • Proxy voting.
  • Market information dissemination.
  • Reporting on securities and cash holdings.
  • Retirement plan services, including benefit payment processing and tax reporting.
  • Trades pre-matching.

Other value-added services include:

  • Foreign exchange services.
  • Cash management services.
  • Outward Telegraphic transfers.
  • Segregated custody accounts.
  • I-Banking services.

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